My Favorite Pay Fonts

Fonts You Have to Pay For

These fonts are available on Mighty Deals as of now, but they could disappear at any time.

1. Samantha $17 for one, $37 for all 4 (Upright and Italic in both Regular and Bold

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2. Zelda only $7 on  Mighty Deals

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3. Aishart – part of the Valentine’s Bundle on Mighty Deals. 10 fonts for $27

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4. Desire Pro – available on Creative Market
EXPENSIVE! I resisted for a very long time, but I finally hit the pay button, and I’m not sorry I did. After I bought it, it was on sale for $40% off on the Font Shopaholics Facebook page. I get a lot of use out this one and I love playing with it, so for me it was worth it. It was my decadent treat to myself.

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5. I have to add the two most popular Harold’s Monogram Fonts – The Circle Monogram and the Vine Monogram. I love the Circle Style, but not for all letters. The “D” for instance looks odd, on the left and right, as does the O. I love the Vine Font with all it’s variations.

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KG Fonts has a font similar to Vine for free personal use, $5 for commercial use.

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6. Another favorite of mine is Bombshell Pro. I picked this up either at Might Deals or Creative Market, but it’s gone from there now. I like the look, but using it is a bit of a pain. It’s similar in style to Aishart. I like bombshell but wouldn’t pay full price for it.

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