Samantha is one of the most beautiful fonts any font designer has ever made. It was developed by Laura Worthington at lauraworthingtontype. Laura has devoted a lot of time to her artistry and deserves to be paid for her work. This font is currently available on Mighty Deals and the $17 price really is a huge bargain for the Upright only. For $37 you get all 4 desktop fonts – Upright & Italic in regular and bold.
If you find my information useful and want to purchase from Mighty Deals, I would appreciate it if you would purchase from the link I posted. I get credit that I can use towards purchasing more fonts so I can post more information.
You DO NOT want to order the web fonts. Those are for professional website developers.
That brings me to my discussion about, “What is a font? How come if I want both, I have to pay more than twice the cost of 1?” Samantha is a type face. This typeface consists of 4 fonts. They are Samantha Italic Regular, Samantha Italic Bold, Samantha Upright Regular, Samantha Upright Bold. If you pay the $17 you will only get a one Regular font and not a Bold Font. So, is this a bad thing?
Well, I like having all 4 at my fingertips, so I invested the $37. If you’re not sure, you can buy just the upright. It can be manipulated in software to look sort of bold and italic. You can add an offset or shadow to it of 0.02″ and skew it 15% in your software.

In Silhouette Studio, you create the italic look here and select 15%:

To make it bold, use the offset function at 0.02″
So, I suppose the next think you’ll want to know is how do I use all those gorgeous swirls and glyphs. The easiest way is if you buy super-expensive software like Adobe Illustrator or Corel Draw. But, since Laura Worthington loves crafters, she has mapped her font to unicode so you can use it in your cutting software or graphics software. Laura has information on her page Laura Worthington FAQ. There are also several great videos on YouTube: For PC and For MAC. Although these were made for the Silhouette Cutter, they work in any program.
Another great way to access the fonts if you have any cutter besides a Cricut is to use Sure Cuts a Lot 4 by Craftedge. You can access the characters right in the program. by using the fonts panel.

Still not convinced you NEED this font? Want to see if you can really handle the extra steps? Why not try first with a less expensive font that still has beautiful glyphs? Zelda is another Mighty Deals bargain at only $7. Not as many choices but still gorgeous.

Zelda is great when it is offset. Here’s an example

There’s no telling how long these will remain on Mighty Deals. In the past, Samantha has come on again and off again.